Reaching out to the most vulnerable and persecuted Christians

Help The Persecuted Christian in Pakistan

Help The Persecuted

Building Up Church

Christian health care

Health Care


Our Mission To Empower Christian Community

Our mission is to empower the Christian community, often discriminated, treated unjustly, crippled by bonded labor and persecuted due to their faith in Pakistan. We reach out to the poorest of the poor and help the most vulnerable Christians to grow in faith and support each other to know Jesus more dearly and love Him more nearly.

Besides, ETCC makes all the possible efforts to raise awareness of the Christian persecution throughout Pakistan, also letting the Western Church know the vulnerability of Christians through social media. We also encourage the universal Church to step up and support persecuted Christians in every possible way.

Indeed, our constant support and assistance to the broken and shattered Christians bring hope and spiritual joy in Jesus Christ our Lord.

About ETCC
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